Tustin Estate

A sensitive and sustainable housing estate redevelopment
Tustin Estate is a redevelopment housing project within Southwark Council providing modern accommodation to those currently on the estate in old and poorly insulated units.
The housing project involves the demolition and site clearance of part of the 1960s council housing estate, featuring the construction of nearly 700 new homes. This will include the replacement of 250 council homes and shared equity properties, 220 additional affordable homes and a further 220 homes for private sale.
The estate is also set to provide 1800 sqm of commercial floor space, a central park and an extension and upgrade to the estate’s primary school.
As part of the redevelopment, residents are able to give their views on the different characteristics of the project including the construction strategy, social value and design.
Sustainability is at the heart of the scheme, offering a possible 94% reduction in carbon emissions compared to traditional construction methods. This is hoped to be achieved through the solar panels, SUDs, air-source heat pumps and high-insulation building fabrics that will be used within the individual houses.
The project will be executed in four phases, and the planned completion date is set for 2030.