Kent Science Park

Stace were appointed as Project Managers, Quantity Surveyors and CDM Consultants.
Stace took a strategic lead to define and develop a deliverable vision within challenging constraints, setting out a path through a complex process of statutory consultations and frameworks. This was then integrated with commercial negotiations with adjacent landowners and occupiers.
Stace facilitated discussions and consultations with government departments including Department for Communities and Local Government (CLG), Highways Agency, Department for Transport, Kent County Council, Swale Borough Council and others, and managed the Public Consultation Process including internet site, telephone line, newsletters, exhibitions and public meetings.
Multi-phased, in total this scheme included a new junction on the M2, incorporating a 7km link road, extensive refurbishment and build of 100,000 ft² of laboratories and associated ancillary space (loading bays, access roads, car parks, plant installations), an education facility and hotel and a renewable energy centre.