Biggleston Yard, Canterbury

We worked with our client, Setha Group, to achieve planning permission to develop a historic site in the heart of Kent’s leading tourism destination.
The scheme will involve a partial demolition, an extension and refurbishment of existing buildings and erection of new buildings, three to five storeys in height. The retail and leisure-led development will include a new pedestrian retail arcade and market hall, and public realm with pedestrian access. The scheme will also allow for 32 serviced apartments, 33 residential units, and office space.
The site is named after HM Biggleston & Sons, the family-run ironmonger business which ran from 1835 and 1963. Biggleston Yard is looking to bring a new and exciting atmosphere to the visitor experience while being sympathetic to Canterbury’s heritage and history.
Plans were approved for the scheme in late 2022.